Updates - Jiffy Firebug Extension
Latest - Version 1.0.20080619 - 06/19/08
- Made compatible with latest version of Firebug. Now works with Firebug 1.2b3/Firefox 3.
Version 1.0.20080618 - 06/18/08
- Fixed Print for Firefox 3. Print displays the stats in a new browser tab instead of a new window for all Firefox versions.
- Fixed issue with Jiffy becoming the default tab. On browser shutdown, correctly resets the preference back to Console.
Version 1.0.20080617 - 06/17/08
- Duration feature added. By default, Duration is turned off. Each mark is plotted left-justified
in the graph. Events underneath marks are plotted in a relative timeline. When duration is turned on
marks are plotted along a timeline.
- Print uses correct CSS. The non-duration mode formats
better for vertical page layout.
- Print, prints in Non-Duration mode. Better for vertical layout of printed page.
- Elapsed/Duration Bars. In Duration mode, the mark bar displays both
elapsed time and total duration. Elapsed is always rendered in a light blue. The extra time that makes up
the rest of duration is rendered in gray.
- Cleaner formatting. Lightly shading every other mark, brackets indicating subnodes,
general CSS cleanup, removed extra column for twisty, removed extra column grid lines, softened grid.
- Onload time lengthened. The amount of time was increased for onload event to wait for
measures to finish on the page.
Version 1.0.20080615 - 06/16/08
- Graphical view of Javascript measurements. Two types of rows are displayed. The first is a summary row for each measurment category. These are created in Jiffy by calling Jiffy.mark(markName). Individual events within a mark category are captured with Jiffy.measure(eventName, markName). These are displayed as subrows.
- Clear. Measurements can be cleared from the DOM and the graph reset. This is useful for taking measurements that might happen after the onload during user interaction with the page.
- Refresh. If more measurements are collected after the onload, Refresh will generate a new graph based on the current measurements.
- Print. Opens a new window with a printable version of the graph.